Don't talk to me about politics

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  • Useful Idiot
  • "Did you have a party?"
  • Javier Milei
  • "We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba"
  • Bibi's one state solution.
  • Let Rish! be Rish!
  • Keir Starmer groomed by Tony Blair
  • Ten Years to save the west
  • Free Tibet
  • Zombie PM
  • Parliamentary Scrounger; Nadine Dorries
  • Rish! and Suella...
  • world rejoices, Putin is Dead.
  • Public Enemy No.1
  • Gianni Infantino and Mohammed Bin Salman
  • Theresa May's Windrush Scandal.
  • Is Le e Anderson accepting cash for questions...
  • Le Roi Macron (aka French Gothic)
  • Fully paid-up member of the Wokerati.
  • I run with Maud.
  • Suella the Cruel.
  • Kristalnacht in Hawara.
  • Putin says
  • This is a fascist government
  • Are you alert...
  • Hebe, Jorge and Raul Bonafini
  • Long live the Middle Urumqi Road.
  • We are on a highway to climate hell...
  • I am Sheku Bayoh
  • Death to the Dictator
  • Dogma presents the idiots
  • Ready for Rish! I prefer Sushi
  • Personally, I blame....
  • Death to the Tatmadaw.
  • Woman, Life, Freedom
  • Qatar 2022 World Cup of Shame
  • Don't worry Liz Truss is coming.
  • Pussy Riot
  • Rwanda?
  • Proud grandson of a polish revolutionary...
  • Putin - Behind bars at last
  • Top Bum
  • Bye Boris
  • Cassidy Hutchinson...
  • We don't obey the law...
  • From messiah to pariah
  • Kemi Badenoch
  • Never have I been so ashamed of my country
  • Gas might be expensive...
  • Moskva Do Widzenia, do widzenia Moskva
  • Shireen Abu Akleh the Nakba continues...
  • Special offer
  • Ramzan...
  • Tucker Carlson and Piers Morgan...
  • Rhona Malone- a police officer with integrity
  • Lavrov & Putin, the Butchers of Bucha
  • Scotland - Europe's oldest police state
  • Russian Warship...
  • Harry Houdini...
  • Proud to be the son of an immigrant.
  • Their names shall liveth evermore.
  • To resist is to exist
  • Sue Gray, Sue Gray....
  • "Putin huiylo" copyright the Ukrainian people
  • Rules? They are for the little people.
  • Glory to Ukraine
  • Kill the Bill
  • No-one is above the law.
  • never underestimate...
  • Rotten to the core
  • Mein Trumpf; the great dictator is coming.
  • Peng Shuai 'Everything is fine "
  • Tiofaidh ar Laa-Laa (Chuckie ar Laa Laa)
  • Piffle Poffle Wiffle Woffle (copyright John Crace)
  • Blah, blah, blah...
  • Texas...
  • Alok Sharma
  • ...Unveil new shirt sponsor.
  • This taliban same as the last taliban
  • Carrie Antionette - 'Let them eat Cock'
  • Escape from Kabul
  • I am your nemesis
  • The Two Alexanders
  • Gangsta Gets Gong
  • The Glitter was beginning to come off the Boris
  • UEFA lovely
  • Jeff Bezos' Penis
  • Trust Me I am a police officer.
  • Chepiga and Mishkin: Salisbury Novichokers
  • Colston has gone
  • Governed by idiots
  • Bring me the head of Rupert Murdoch
  • Priti disgusted with your immigration policy
  • Just say no to flags
  • The Police state is alive and well
  • Kill all Nazis
  • The only problem with planet earth (recoloured).
  • Tim Davie's Prince Phillip TV Extravaganza
  • Liz Truss' alternative facts
  • Juukan Gorge (Recoloured)
  • Say his name, say his name Alexei Navalny (Recol)
  • American Dicktator (Recoloured)
  • Packing with the Panthers (Recoloured)
  • Hiding in plain sight (Recoloured)